Leading Tofino towards a better tomorrow
Honest. Smart. Dedicated. Proven Community Leadership.
"An experienced, dedicated community leader and advocate."
Tofino Is Our Home...
My partner Mollie and I have been raising our 5 kids here since arriving in a minivan in 2001. I found work as a Registered Nurse at the Tofino General Hospital, and we were fortunate early on to be able to rent, then purchase a small home that we still live in. My work in Tofino eventually led into a Nuuchahnulth Tribal Council community health position in Ahousaht and Hesquiaht, which I held for a number of years until taking a similar position serving remote west coast villages from Kyuquot/Checklesaht to Ditidaht. Mollie and I also committed ourselves to the community - running and leading local youth services, recreation and education programs, and theatre and arts projects. While working in community health and the arts, I also pursued graduate studies, ultimately earning my M.A. in 2013. I now run my own business as a full time professional artist, and was elected to town council in 2019.

Dan & Mollie Law
Moving Tofino Forward
Focusing on community • Working together • Providing leadership
Let's do this, Tofino. I'm proud to be your Mayor.Our small town has grown to become a leading tourism destination - yet this success comes with its own growing challenges. Like many community members, I am concerned about our ability to sustain the quality of life and natural beauty which make Tofino so special. Thanks to the hard work of the Council, district staff, business owners and our dedicated community members, we have a solid foundation to tackle these issues. I am confident that with your support and my leadership, we can create a better tomorrow for Tofino, together.

Law Family [Left to Right] Ellie,AnnaLea, Mollie, Ava, Jojo, Dan - Missing in pic was Van, he was out of town on pic day!

Dan Law Elected Tofino Mayor
Voting took place on Saturday March 6th, 2021 at the District Municipal Hall Council Chambers, 121 Third Street, downtown Tofino. Every vote counts in a small town election. If you need a ride or have mobility issues please reach out to our campaign team hello@danformayor.ca and we'll be sure to organize transportation for you.

A VOTE FOR DAN LAW IS A VOTE FOR:• Supporting community health and resiliency• Championing recreation• Meeting our affordable housing needs• Supporting local childcare and early childhood education• Balancing the hospitality industry with the environment and real limits to growth• Promoting reconciliation• Working hard to ensure critical infrastructure project success
Get To Know Dan. The Tuff City Radio Interviews:
Important Election Dates
• Feb. 6: Campaign period begins• Feb. 8: Declaration of election by voting /election of acclaimed candidates• Feb. 24: Advance Voting Day• Mar. 4: Last day to request a mail ballot• Mar. 6: General Voting Day / Deadline to Receive Mail Ballots• Mar. 8: Determination of Official Results
As mayor, I'll bring strong, collaborative, community-centered leadership to District Council and staff. I'll lead Tofino with honesty, openness and integrity. I'll work with Council, staff, and residents to effectively address our most pressing issues, now. Our community cares, our community has vision, our community has solutions. Together we will create a better tomorrow.
Community Life and Wellness
Supporting community health and resiliency
Supporting local childcare and early childhood education
Championing recreation
Supporting the Wickaninnish Elementary School as a community hub and locus of applied reconciliation
Continue working to achieve attainable, affordable and diverse housing options
Continuing to champion the WWTP project, to ensure timely, affordable and effective waste water treatment
Continuing to champion the WWTP project, to ensure timely, affordable and effective waste water treatment
Urgent protection of Tofino’s natural beauty and biodiversity is paramount to our continued success - on a local and global level
Local businesses are the economic backbone of our community; continue to protect and preserve local businesses. Ensuring Tofino remains a friendly, happy, healthy and prosperous community. Community is the bottom line; we are all in this together

Dan and his brother Mark with their Mom in Nova Scotia. A true coastal boy through and through!
Community Centered Leadership
As mayor I’ll bring strong, collaborative and supportive community-centered leadership to District Staff and Council
Supporting community health and resiliency
• Bring a professional community health perspective, and strong philosophy of community to governance• Champion Tofino General Hospital Foundation and new hospital planning• Advocate for community health, community care, and mental health and addictions services
Championing recreation
• Actively promote achievable and affordable recreation opportunities now• Support current recreation infrastructure upgrades - skatepark, tennis courts, MUP, and bike park• Seek to establish a supportive collaborative relationship between School District 70 and the District of Tofino• Strategize and support future parks and recreation facilities
Meeting housing needs
Support Tofino Housing Corporation to complete current affordable housing projects• Advocate for environmentally responsible small lot, compact home neighbourhoods• Support further affordable, attainable, and diverse housing options which are environmentally and socially sustainable
Supporting local childcare and early childhood education
• Advocate for Early Childhood Education (ECE) and childcare as a core community value, and act to improve local ECE and childcare access and delivery
Working for critical infrastructure project success
• Champion Waste Water Treatment Plant funding and construction• Support water system upgrades and ensure comprehensive resource planning
Promoting reconciliation
• Seek regular inter-government leadership meetings to support understanding, collaboration, and cooperation• Support our neighbouring First Nations with respect and equality - and bring Nuuchahnulth language to Council chambers
Balancing tourism with community capacity
• Tackle immediate issues now• With diverse community input, create a Tourism Advisory Committee, and new Tourism Master Plan - with a focus on broad community capacity and resident lived experiences
Protecting the environment now and into the future
• Continue to advocate for permanent parkland on DL114• Continue to champion protection for wildlife corridors, wildlife habitat protection, contiguous forests, and natural areas

“I first got to know Dan as a health care provider in the communities of Clayoquot Sound. What first struck me was his approachability and professional manner in his practice. He brings a lifetime of experience as a father, husband, health care provider, artist, and member of our district counsel that is critical for balanced decision making as our future Mayor. As part of a Nuuchahnulth Tribal Council Community Health team, Dan was recognized by our local First Nations and the Federal Government for excellence in community health leadership and delivery during the H1N1 pandemic. I believe that now more than ever our leaders must embody principals and ethics which reflect a life that is rich with knowledge and service. Dan is the Mayoral candidate with the life experience, compassion and duty to our Clayoquot communities that will work for a thriving and vibrant Tofino."Stephanie Hughes

"I had the opportunity to get to know Dan through his involvement in the Carving on Edge Festival. I found that he always came to our shared projects with creative thinking and a positive attitude. For several years he has hosted a hugely popular introductory printmaking workshop for families (always with one or two of his children helping out). As a mother, I appreciate that he understands the needs of our local families. And I believe his time working as a nurse in several of the Nuuchahnulth villages surrounding Tofino will guide his ability to strengthen our community to community relationships."Marika Swan

"I've known Dan for 20 years. He’s got the right stuff to be a great mayor! Positive, thoughtful, and never afraid to challenge the status quo."Pete Clarkson

"We're voting for Dan for mayor because we feel that he has the community's best interests at heart. He and his family have been here for a long time and he understands the challenges of living here, as well as what makes it so great. With his experience nursing, running a small business, and his time on council so far, he can navigate through the politics to bring his ethics and values to the table, and make it a better place for everyone and everything living within the Tla-o-qui-aht territory, and for those who visit as well."Sarah & David Stoski and Family

"We’ve known Dan for years and he has become synonymous with Tofino for us. He is one of the best people we know. He helped us as we moved out here and has had an answer for any question we’ve had about the town and community. He doesn’t just care about the town, he cares about the people who live here."Matt and Brianne Dempsey
I would love to connect for coffee or tea and chat. Reach out below below and I’ll get your message. Looking forward to meeting you.
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